Feeling a little low? Just jump high!
I have been severally slacking on all of my training lately. It has been do or die at work the last few months. I had a lot of fun today, spending the day off work and hanging out with my dog and going for a fun 6 mile run. It was so refreshing and way over due. I tried something new today with Laddie. I had him run along with me while I went on a short bike ride and it was amazing! He did so great, didn't tip me over even once. I have a rough couple of weeks ahead of me a work but once I get through them I should be able to start kicking things back up into high gear with my training and I can't wait! I was also blessed with this awesome commuter bike, pictured above, that I will be able to start using then as well! The light is at the end of the tunnel and I can see it! Keep on Running. Even through the hard times. Check out some of the awesome Orca Running Races! https://www.facebook.com/ OrcaRunning/ https://www.facebook.com/ ...