Eating disorders and more

I try my best to live a healthy lifestyle but life sometimes puts a bit more stress on me than it should and I break down every once in a while for a few months at a time. Whether it is because of recovery time from an injury or something else, I just get down on myself and I stop working out. I put on a few pounds here and there but it usually isn't that much. This year was different, even though I try to keep my head held up sometimes it loose sight of that healthy lifestyle and I binge eat junk food, this year, I binge ate for a few months! I just tried to eat my problems away. Which is never the answer but talking it out with my friends, and working hard to get some of the harder life things taken care of, I have been able to get the binge eating under control for now. It is something I have always struggled with, and I am sure I will continue to. If you would like to learn more about Binge Eating, click HERE
What is Binge Eating Disorder? Binge eating disorder is characterized by recurrent episodes of eating large quantities of food (often very quickly and to the point of discomfort); a feeling of a loss of control during the binge; experiencing shame, distress or guilt afterwards; and not regularly using unhealthy compensatory measures (e.g., purging) to counter the binge eating. It is the most common eating disorder in the United States.
If you are effected by Binge Eating there are many sources of help out there. HERE is one, an online counseling group. You may also reach out to me if you want to speak with someone who also struggles with this eating disorder. 
Bulimia Nervosa, thankfully I am currently not suffering from this but did for several years. Bulimia nervosa is a serious, eating disorder characterized by a cycle of bingeing and compensatory behaviors such as self-induced vomiting or abusing laxatives designed to undo or compensate for the effects of binge eating. If you would like to learn more about Bulimia, please click HERE. If you would like help, click HERE for online support groups of eating disorders. Again, if you would like someone to speak to, you are more than welcome to reach out to me. But I can only speak to my personal experience and I am Not a certified trained specialist. I highly recommend using one of the sites I provided or speaking with your physician. 
I wanted to share this with you as I am re-entering my weightloss and fitness journey. Binge Eating and Bulimia are always on my mind and I worry about them all of the time when I am losing weight. I love working out, eating well and having fun but it can be easy for me to slip back into a unhealthy lifestyle. I can easily spend 3+ hours a day working out and counting every single calorie that I eat, down to a ketchup or salt packet. Or "slip up" and feel as if I need to go to extremes of using laxatives or other methods of getting rid of the unwanted calories. 
I have found that I have been doing these things less and less often over the years, I know it's because I have wonderful support from my friends but I feel I also get stronger and stronger each year that passes. That doesn't mean it isn't a struggle but it does help so much. 
10-15% of Americans suffer from a severe eating disorder. I encourage you to speak up, you aren't alone! 
My heart is with you. 
Eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes.


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