The Baker in me is freaking out!

I am so Excited that I can't even wait to tell you about this! I just saw a commercial for 

Nestlé Toll House DelightFulls Filled Morsels! I cannot wait to try these, unfortunately I am a little worried that I will eat it all! 

I have been looking for a new way to spice up my holiday baking and I may have found my answer! I'm so glad that I can just take all of my baking to work and give it away!
I am sure once I can find these in the store there will be many more unhealthy posts to follow, I will however stick to my Log Everything challenge and my No Holiday Treats except on the holidays challenge as well. But that doesn't mean I can't share the treats! Nestle even has a website full of suggested recipes
What holiday treats do you imagine that I can make with these?? 


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