Good Morning!

Are you ready for some football!? Seahawks are going to beat those Packers for sure! I can't wait for the game. I hope your weekend is going well and that your team is playing today as well. Just remember to have a health lunch/snacks for the game. Last week I had carrots and celery as my snack with cod and brussel sprouts at my dinner. Today I am working so I won't be indulging in anything that isn't accepted by Advocare.
As far as my Advocare experience is going, I am ready for it to be finished. It isn't the food part of the diet at all, it's the supplements. I am tired of taking so many pills and feeling like poo. At this point I am only planning on finishing it because it is so expensive! I love the clean eating but the supplements make me feel like blah and it's always a fun experience having to run to the restroom in a rush. Never thought I'd say I miss the simplicity of Nutrisystem. There is my not positive update. I wish I was loving it as much as I wanted to. Better luck on my next adventure.
Onto much happier news, I packed up my car this morning with this weeks worth of gym clothes. I am excited to start my new workout plan. I feel like it is really going to work for me. I am a "do things with as little work possible" kind of girl. So this could really work!
Some very exciting news for me and it's all because of you! Yesterday I had the most readers in one day then I have ever had before! Thank you all so much for all of your support and shares. I greatly appreciate it and I hope that you all continue to read my posts.
Last night I started shopping for my Mountains 2 Beach marathon outfit. As I have mentioned before I want to run it in just my sports bra and shorts. I have never run anything like that before but it  is my goal to be fit enough to feel comfortable enough to do so. I am looking for something fun and bright to run in. So it may take me a bit to find the right outfit. I thought it would be a great motivational piece for me to have it sitting out in front of me to keep me working hard to feel comfortable in it and in my own skin. I am thinking I am going to go shoe shopping as well to find some bright shoes to go with the outfit as well! It may sound silly but if you're not having fun, then what is the point, right? I'll be posting some ideas along the way to get your opinions.
Have you ever had an outfit that you wanted to get into for a special event? I'd love to hear about your story.
Thank you for reading!
Keep on Running!


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