No Excuses Made Easy

I'm sure that you have heard of planning your weekly meals ahead of time, that way you have absolutely no excuse not to eat healthy during the week. But today I was thinking of new ways to create a no excuse atmosphere in my life. After discussing and our weekly workout routines with Anthony we decided that I will now go on to the gym after I get off work instead of driving straight home, then on my days off we will do our weekly runs together. 
Traffic is kind of miserable during the drive home after work and it turns a 15 minute drive into a 35 minute drive. With the gym only being about seven blocks away from work, about 5 minutes, I thought those extra 20 minutes of drive time could be spent at the gym instead of stuck in traffic. By the time the traffic will be much less severe and it won't have lost anytime but instead gained a workout.
I wanted to take it a step further and make it even easier for me so that way I would not have an excuse not to go to the gym after work. And I came up with an idea that I am shocked that I've never heard of before and it is excuse free and easy. I decided to lay out two weeks worth of work out clothes and bag them up separately in a grab-and-go form. This way I can keep them in my car and just grab an outfit after I get off work when I head to the gym. That way I cannot say I don't have to clothes or the time and everything is already set to go.

I already plan out my weekly meals, especially now that I'm on AdvoCare so this idea made perfect sense to me. I hope that you can use this idea and your daily lives as well. It's so easy and encouraging. I would love to hear from you about your no excuse ideas in your lives. How do you make it easier?
Keep on Running!


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