Daylight Savings!

Night runs like this are a blast!
I am very excited for daylight savings. Why? I currently get off work at 6:15 pm and get home around 6:40. Meaning it is completely dark by the time I get home! Now the sun will be setting at 7:04 tonight and by the end of the month it'll be almost 8:00 by the time it sets. Which means that's time for me to go for a run after work when it's not completely dark! It also means less treadmill time and real pavement time. I am really excited for this! I get off early on Sundays so I will be able to hit the pavement by 6:20 tonight. :D 
How I wish I looked when running :D
Later this week I also have on the docket the St. Patrick's Day Half Marathon in Tacoma. I am really looking forward to this race too. I have a really fun outfit in the works for it.  
This finish line for the St. Patrick's Day Half. 
Keep on Running!


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