Seattle Magazine Brunch Run
Run run run as fast as you can! That was the theme of this entire run for me, strangely it started way earlier than the race did. My friends and I all carpooled to the race however, none of us thought to look where to park. Why? Because we thought there would be signs directing us to park, and there were... except we parked in a parking lot dedicated to another race that was happening that day and we had no clue. We arrived about an hour before the race was to start because we had to pick up our race packets and we wanted to have enough time to get settled in before the start. We piled out of the car and wandered towards the race start (so the signs indicated), about a mile of wandering we found a group of race volunteers and they directed us towards the race start. After about another mile and half we realized that we had be misdirected by a group of volunteers for the wrong race! We found yet another group of volunteers and they were the correct ones this tim...