2017 has been an interesting year

So, here I am once again in Missouri. The place I never thought I would live again. Have to give life that, it is so unexpected and you just can't control it.

I have had a very rocky 2017. So much has happened this year in a negative way that it is almost unbelievable. I left Amazon because they wanted me to work more, I was already pulling 60-70 hour weeks (in office, not including work I did from home). Then I moved on to Intentional Futures and the job was ok but it wasn't challenging enough for me and it was just not quite the right fit, so I left them.

I have been unemployed now for three months. I have applied to hundreds of jobs and so far, nothing. It isn't from the lack of interviews. I have interviewed at least two dozen companies, mostly phone screens, but I am still in the rut. Hopefully the right role will come along soon.

As far as my running goes, I have talked about my IT band injury from July. I received a steroid shot in my knee which I had several reactions to, unfortunately. It made my recovery time easily 6x longer than it would have been without it. After a couple of months of PT and simply not over using my knee, it is starting to feel like normal again. Thankfully!

The day I signed the new lease on the house my sister and I are now living in, mid November, I tripped off a step that I didn't know was there and severally sprained my ankle. It still isn't completely recovered 3 weeks later. It is fine to walk and run but with no sharp turns or technical track. But it is slowly getting there.

Black Friday, I was setting up a Christmas tree in our living room and I slipped and fell, my knee hit the corner of my sister's piano, (the same IT band knee) and was severally bruised and bloodied. Yesterday was the first day of exercise that it didn't bother me during the run, just a little bit after. . .

I have spent over a year basically injured with a couple of good months in the middle lol. Don't forget my horrible ankle sprain last August that left me in a boot! Once that was healed I got a couple of good weeks in and then was in a car accident that messed up my back! Hahaha I should live in a bubble.

Despite all of this, I still wake up each day hoping that it will be better than the day before.

There has been a lot of good this year as well. Like making several new and wonderful friends, getting to run more trails than I ever have (in between injuries 😄), I got to go on an awesome road trip around the PNW with Laddie, and I get to spend time with my family because of the move. Just a name a few of the good things.

The thing I am most grateful for are my friends and family. My of my friends have become family. The photos below are just a few of the friendships that have blossomed and grown this year. If I were name and go through them all, this post would be a small novel! Know that I love all of my friends and am blessed to have you all in my life.
This photo was at Sun Mountain 100k and 50k. It was the first race I had ever DNFed but because I was there with these wonderful people (and many more not pictured) I still had a wonderful time.
Tiffany and I out hiking, in search of some fall colors. The snow was falling on us from the trees. We were pretty damp by the end of this hike in the snow. But this is exactly our friendship. "Want to hike in the Enchantments in 1 day?" "What to go snowshoeing at Rainier?" "Want to meet up in Winthrop for a trail run?" Yes to all and so much more!
Mary, my trail sister! I met her briefly in 2016 at a trail half marathon but didn't connect until earlier this year. We had many wonderful unforgettable trail adventures this year. I didn't get to spend time with her before I left Seattle because she was off getting married! Congratulations again Mary. I love you!
Andrew, we met a couple of years ago through a mutual friend. We've had many city adventures together, from trying lots of new restaurants, to weird mini golf, feeding seagulls French fries, lots and lots of walks around the city and countless adventures. To my friend who I can say that I am really thinking/feeling and who will still love me afterward!
Stephanie! Adventure buddy for sure! We did brunch once with Tiffany and Andrew (like the perfect day!) but other than that, this is what our typical friend hangout sessions look like! So much fun all of the time. So much laughter and giggles, look forward to more adventures in the future!
These are my friends Emily and Sean. I chose this picture because it was the first weekend that we had ever really hung out! That and the story that goes with it. Emily and Sean were maybe 100 yards ahead of me on the trail. Just enough that I couldn't see them becuase of the trees but close enough for me to hear everything they were doing for this photo with Glenn. It was so much fun to hear them laughing and joking around. It was great, I was so excited to finally get my photo taken by Glenn! I was trekking along and right in front of him I face planted... All I see is his head popping over the side of the cliff, "Are you alright!?" I was fine, got up to where he was taking the photos and he totally let me pose for my photo. Such a wonderful guy. 
Anyway, this is where Emily and I became fast friends. I am sad that I didn't get to spend more time with her before I left Seattle but that just means we will have to have more adventures when I move back to the PNW. :) Congrats on the Calendar photo guys! 
Oh yeah, that's Carol. Enough said. 

Just kidding, Carol is the most spunky person I think I have ever met. She won't admit it but she has such a big heart. We had some pretty great times this year, from adventuring out to Pridefest, to watching Mary finish her first 50 mile ultra! Oh and I may have forced her to run White River 50... oops! 💙💚💙
Kaurine, my sister. She and I have been blessed this year with many adventures of our own. I have absolutely loved our time together this year. From traveling around the PNW, to moving in together! So many more adventures to come. Love you Kaurine!

This year has been a rollercoaster of emotions that is for sure. It is easy to let all of the negative things overshadow all of the fantastic things. Even with the bad stuff, I have had one of the most wonderful years yet. Thank you to all who have helped make my life a beautiful adventure.


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