Finding time to train while traveling
When the bar offers $4 shots to accompany your hard cider, of course, you must say yes to a Fireball shot to make Angry Balls! Never pass that up, it’s an apple pie in a glass. A highly enjoyable beverage to partake in as I await for my next flight to depart. Running along the Napa River as the sun was just beginning to reach over the Vaca Mountains is how I chose to wrap up a short but long work trip, it was exactly what I needed. The air was slightly chilled with a low fog hanging over the river. The perfect running temperature which made me feels as if I could just keep going forever. I am finding my feet once again in the thralls of a seemingly chaotic time in my work/life balance right now. I am very proud of my first training workout during a work trip. I was concerned that I wouldn’t find time to dedicate to a run while traveling, it was a short run but a run none-the-less. In the coming month, I will be on the road more than ever between work and personal time wit...