Running Groups!
Over the last couple of years I have been officially a part of a couple of running groups in the Seattle area. One of which I officially joined this week, Eastside Runners. Over the last couple of years I've never really been able to attend any of the group runs held by Eastside Runners or the other running group I'm a part of, the Seattle Green Lake Running Group. So a few weeks ago I decided I had enough of the "left out feeling" that I was getting from all of their happy social media. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and I created a run that will be starting in April on Friday mornings which I can attend. It is a little bit nerve-racking creating something new not knowing if anyone actually partake. But I must say I'm not doing this alone, Liz, a member of East Side runners and the Seattle Green Lake Running Group has graciously volunteered to help me co host the Friday morning runs. I'm very excited about this and can't wait to get it ...